1 Education in Yuqian and Jiande

When the war was imminent in Hangzhou in September 1937, Zhejiang University decided to move the freshmen enrolled in that year first to the secluded Chanyuan Temple in the West Tianmu Mountain in Yuqian County (now in Lin'an City) of Zhejiang Province. In October, the tutorial system as a significant institutional innovation during the migration began to be adopted, which fostered closer links between students and teachers. The picture shows Chu Kochen, together with Professor Pan Chengqi and Shu Hong during their visit to Chanyuan Temple (taken in the early autumn of 1937).

Monument to Zhejiang University's Migration in Chanyuan Temple, the West Tianmu Mountain (taken in 2015).

In November 1937, faculty and students on Hangzhou Campus moved in batches to Meicheng, Jiande, a town 120 kilometers southwest of Hangzhou, taking the books and instruments along. The temporary school buildings and offices were located in places like the forestry farm, Catholic church and Confucian temple while private houses around the central primary school, Wanyuandang and Dongmen Street served as dormitories. The picture shows the archway of Meicheng, Jiande in Zhejiang Province (taken in December 1937).

The Sun's House, Chu Kochen's residence in Jiande (taken in the 1980s).

The Fang's House, office of general affairs of Zhejiang University at the time (taken in the 1980s).

Yanzhou Middle School, residence for freshmen of Zhejiang University at the time.

Farm of Zhejiang University at the foot of Mount Wulong in Jiande (taken in 1937).

12 students of Zhejiang University, i.e. Liu Kuidou, Hong Kun, Tang Lanjiu, Cheng Yuxiang, Wang Jiazhen, Yu Chengzao from Department of Electrical Engineering, Huang Zonglin from Department of Chemical Engineering, Li Jiankui from Department of Chemistry, Cheng Minde from Department of Mathematics, Ding Erchang, Ji Shangbin and Chen Jiazhen from Department of Civil Engineering joined the guerrilla forces in East Zhejiang Province in national defense. The group photo shows the 12 students before their enlistment (taken in 1937).

Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature stored in Wenlan Chamber.

To preserve Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature stored in Hangzhou's Wenlan Chamber from Japanese troops, Zhejiang University worked in coordination with Zhejiang Library to transport the tomes to Jiande at the start of its migration.Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature was eventually moved to the Dimu Cave in Guiyang, Guizhou Province in the year of 1939. President Chu visited the cave several times to observe the condition and give instructions on the safekeeping.The picture shows Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature in Dimu Cave in Guiyang (taken on May 10, 1942).

The picture shows the telegram from Ministry of Education of Republic of China to Zhejiang University (January 31, 1938), requiring Zhejiang University to send some people to help Zhejiang Provincial Government transport Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature to safety and report the progress to Ministry of Education by telegram.