Making a single response item

Now that we have looked over all the options for making a Multiple Choice item in Quiz, lets make one!

Step 1

In the Question bank for our quiz, as we've called it Multiple Choice Quiz, go to the Create new question drop-down and select Multiple Choice.

Step 2

We should be looking at the Adding a Multiple Choice question page. At the top, we need to make sure our Category is set to Activity, so we can keep all our questions separate from other areas.

We also need to create a name, the question text, give some general feedback (if we want), and decide on grades, numbering, shuffling, and the number of answers.

I have decided to ask a question about French history with four response options, one correct answer, and numbered: a, b, c, d. I also want to give some General feedback. Here is what this part looks like.

Step 2

The grade for the correct response should be set to 100%. This will give the student full points if it is answered correctly. The other options should be given as None, since they are all incorrect and are worth no points. Here are the first two question choices.

Step 2

The final part of the page is the Overall Feedback section located at the bottom of the page seen here.

Step 2

Once everything is completed, press the Save changes button to create the question.

The category this question will be placed in is set to Activity. I have created a name for the question and the question text has been entered. I have entered the possible responses, selected the correct answer by giving it a 100 percent grade, and set the numbering. I have also added some general feedback that all students will see, as well as added specific feedback depending on how the student answers the question.

Now, all we need to do is click on the Save changes button and the question will be created, added to the Question bank, and ready to use. To preview the question, click on the magnifying glass icon next to the question name. This is what our first multiple choice question looks like when created.

Step 2

It looks pretty good, right? Do you notice anything about the item? The responses have been shuffled. Each time we look at or take the test the responses will be shown in a random order.

Now that we have the question created and ready to use, we need to make sure there are no spelling or content errors. This is all correct, so now I want to go and check to make sure the feedback and scoring are working properly. I'll just preview the test and answer each to make sure of this.

I'm going to turn off the Shuffle option, and go through each response to make sure everything looks like I want it to and is correct.